You are the guest of joy, you cannot impose yourself.
*Jean Klein. Who AM I?:The Sacred Quest.
Walking the snowy path, again this day, I am reminded again. Relax. Let all of this give itself. Among these gifts of Nature, Nature gives itself. Each gift, being the giving of this all. I am learning, here, more of what the way of contemplation has been teaching me for these many years, and what I have reminded others of through my teaching and writing, that nothing of lasting value is ever gotten, only received by Grace. To have communion with this Life, known in all I see and feel on this path, this day, I must not reach out to receive it, but simply relax and allow the room for it to bless me with itself. And, in this giving, it gives all itself, even as I, in receiving, receive with all of myself. This wholly-happening, holy.
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Presence, being receptive, means to recieve, so a returning
so, receiving is never a single act but a seamless movement happening
the returning, as long as receptivity is allowed, keeps happening, ever-fresh, ever-flowing
so nothing is received with a past or from the past
the sole reason one thinks the past re-happens is the fresh gift is placed in memory, blocking the newness
yet, prior to this misplacement and displacement what is received is only in the ever-present now ~ giving, receiving, that received one happening together
so, the saying, "No one steps in the same river twice"
and the impossibility of meeting anyone or anything twice
hence, to receive this ever-freshness the memory is relaxed, all is met for a first-time
the self, initially, learned by getting then, facing its powerlessness, un-learns to receive
egoic frustration leads to struggle when getting ~ always aggressive ~ is exhausted, receptivity ~ always graceful ~ arises
this receptivity is pure openness particularized in one with thankful allowance, beautiful welcome
what one always sought has room, now, to be given
the spaciousness becomes more stable over time a 'getter' becoming a 'receiver'
everything becomes gift gratitude one with the sky-like atmosphere
the gift is seen, finally, as not to one or for one but to all all is given, for received for all
in the posture of receptivity individuality melts universality arises in Grace impartial
receptivity, unlike getting, is not personal person never receives, Love never gets
in receiving, Love expresses Love, Lover and Beloved melt into one harmonious Effulgence
for Giver, Gift, and one oneself means reception of the Giver in this Unity
so, the Prayer, "Whatever given me, give only Yourself to Yourself"
*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2018.
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